Breast Model

I have had several modeling jobs over the years. The first was when I was in middle school. I was a finger model for some photo stickers. My fingers were all that was needed for that photo shoot. A few years ago I was a model for some sales company. I was a customer on the phone in the picture. I got to wear lots of make-up for that one. And today I got to be a breast model. Hmmm. Now I can understand the finger model because I have nice fingers, but the breast model was a surprise. And before you think I am completely out of my mind, let me explain.

Today was our second class in a Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar. It was held in our home for the ladies who come for aerobics and their friends. I was asked to demonstrate how the breast exam is done. I didn't have to take off any clothes or anything like that. It was more of the positions that you should take when examining your breasts.

In Delhi, the breast cancer rate is one in nine. And 50% of those ladies will die from breast cancer. With early detection education, we can change that number. So that is what the training is about. We learned how to do a self exam today and then what to do if you find a lump or notice anything strange. Women in America may already know this, but women here are not taught what to do. There is a shame that they feel if they have some sort of defect. And a shame of thinking how much money it could cost their family for treatment. So instead they just try to ignore it. I really believe that this training can help save lives, and that is why I agreed to be the model today.


Janet said…
Good for you...have to chuckle thinking of you doing though...

A good reminder as I am so bad at remembering to do that sort of thing. You would think a doc and nurse would do better at that sort of thing.

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