Friday, February 27, 2015

The Cheese Stands Alone

Yesterday I rode the metro (our cities train/subway).  We have a lovely feature on our metro.  The front car on every train is for women only.  This is so nice because the metro can get extremely crowded and usually the women's section is much less crowded.  And if you have to stand really close to someone at least it is a woman and not a creepy guy.

So my trip yesterday was pretty uneventful.  I wore my face mask to protect myself from swine flu.  I noticed a few others also wearing masks.  I felt like we should high five each other, but that would just spread the swine flu more.

As I entered the metro I noticed a young man, around 20 years old, who was talking to his girl friend in the women's section.  A lot of times a guy will stand on the in between area of the two cars and talk with a girl friend or wife, but this guy was a good 10 feet in.  I was probably 20 feet away.  I thought for sure someone would let him know that he was in the wrong section.  Or that he would notice that there were no other men.  I love it when guys get on and they are shocked to see they are in the wrong place.  Like a guy walking into a ladies restroom.  But this guy was either clueless or just being brazen.

I thought to myself about this situation.  I told myself, "Well if no one else cares, then why should I?"  If I was near him I would for sure talk to him, but I would have to walk all the way over to him and approach him if I wanted to say something.  I kept trying to ignore it, but I just couldn't.  I thought about all the men who also noticed this one guy in the women's section and maybe some of them thinking, "Well if he can do it, I can do it."  That will just lead to chaos.  So I had to do something.  Not just for myself but for all the women who didn't have the courage.  I needed to take a stand.

So I walked up to the guy and his girl friend as they were smiling and laughing together.  I just said, "This part is only for ladies so you will have to go back there."  They both shrugged their shoulders and walked back to the other car.  I said, "Thank you." And I walked back to my spot 20 feet away.  I didn't make eye contact with anyone as I walked and I tried not to look back at the guy.  I thought people would applaud me or throw flowers or smile at me, but no one did anything.  But maybe, just maybe, the next time one of these ladies come into the metro and a guy is in their section, they will say something.  They saw the strange white lady with a mask on her face do it.  HERO!

Organ Donor

The other night we watched the movie John Q.  This is the story of a family that is having a rough time financially and then the son needs to have a heart transplant.  The story is about what a father will do to save his son.  Spoiler Alert:  "We all know how this works, people.  In order for Mike to live, someone has to die.  I'm the father.  It might as well be me."  So you have a father that will do anything, anything for his son.  Even if that means he must die to give his heart to his son.

As I thought about this story and how it so easily paints the story of what God did for us, I was amazed at the beauty of it all.  I mean, the story of a father who will kill himself so that his son can live is beautiful.  The depth of love a parent has for a child is heart wrenching.  How can a person love someone so much that they are willing to die for that other person?  And yet that is what so many parents feel when it comes to their child.  And that is exactly what God  has done for us.  He loves us as much as a parent loves their child.  He loves us so much that he gave his life so that we would be able to live.  Amazing!

In the movie when the father is saying good-bye to his son I was wondering what the son would think later in life when he thought about his father.  Would he be mad that his father died for him?  Would he regret that his father died for him?  Or would he be so extremely thankful and overwhelmed at the love his father showed him?  Would he feel the value that his dad had of him?  I would like to think that he would try to live his life the way his dad wanted him to live.  All the last minute advice his dad gave would hopefully be taken to heart.  He would see the value in himself that his dad saw in him.

Jesus also gave some last instructions of how we should live our lives.  Basically it is to live good lives.  After we have the new heart we have a part of our father in us.  We, in a way, represent our father.  Every day we can be thankful for the sacrifice our father made for us.  In order for us to live, someone had to die.

Go watch the movie!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Toilet Paper

I was thinking today about how hard it must be for blind people to know if they have a clean wipe.  How do they know if they are clean?  I will need to ask a blind person but I don't know any.  But then it got me thinking about toilet paper.  I was thinking if you had different colored toilet paper it would make it interesting to see what color it would turn.  And then I thought how you can't find different colored toilet paper anymore and kids these days won't even have the experience in their lives of colored toilet paper.  There were yellow, pink, green and once in a while you could find blue.  I guess it is out of style now or people had allergies or something.  But if I find a roll of pink toilet paper I am going to buy some.

Monday, February 2, 2015

2 Free Audio Books (when you sign up)

Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks

I haven't tried this, but for those of you who like audio books it might be worth your time.
Let me know if you like it.  Just click the link and it will take you to where you need to go.