Just some ramblings

Yesterday we took Micah to the doctor. He has been sick with a fever and coughing for several days. The hospital we went to is a local one that is not very big or very busy. It was 11:15 a.m. and we were told the doctor would be in, in 15 minutes. So we waited. I noticed in the sky light that there was a huge spider web. I thought how funny it would be if the web fell down on someone. They would totally freak out. Micah said it would also be funny if the security guard then thought that the person was an enemy of Spiderman and attacked him.

We saw the doctor walk in and get herself situated. Then she walked past us and downstairs. So Steve asked the reception guy if we should also go downstairs. He said yes. Downstairs there were two people waiting, but Steve walked up to the office door and knocked and the doctor was ready for us. So she asked me what his temperature was. I didn't know. So she felt his head and said he was hot. She looked in his throat and said that he had a bad throat. And that is why he has a fever. She wrote up a prescription for 4 medicines and that was that.

I always look up the medicines online before I give them to Micah. Once I was given some cough syrup that online was listed as dangerous for white people. Odd. Anyway, one of the medicines was for diarreah so I am not giving him that unless the other stuff makes him sick.

As we checked out at the reception area the guy said to me, "You are doing an injustice to men by not opening a gym for men." I laughed and told him, "I only like women." I find it comical that he knew who I was without me saying anything. One of the doctors use to come to the gym, but that was years ago. Maybe he says that to all white women.

Speaking of white women.... One of the white women was working at a VBS last week. She was one of two whities. As she was saying good-bye to her student she said, "I will see you in the assembly." But the little boy responded, "But there are two of you. I won't know which one you are."

Kids are funny. This morning Micah was watching through the key hole of our bedroom, out to the front room where we do aerobics. I guess we were laughing and he wanted to see what was going on. He told Steve, "They are giving massages. Sounds like pub."

This week my house help lady is gone. She has a brother who has had four accidents lately. So her family is fasting and praying (hindu) for him this week. Then they will have to feed the village on the last day. Hopefully that will get rid of any evil spirits.

With my house help gone it means I have to do all the dishes and the floors and cook. It is a lot of work. I sweep and mop each day the whole house. I cook food and do dishes at the same time, only to end up with more dishes after we eat. It never ends. And that is why I like to order out.


Mark Chmarny said…
How's Micah doing now?
Forget the dishes -- EAT OUT! It gets old doesn't it, the circle of cleaning. Ugh! I can only imagine scrubbing the floor in 99° heat and humidity.
What is the cost difference in keeping the electricity on all day verses only at night? Carey
I hope Micah's feeling better, and that he didn't end up needing that diarrhea med. Poor little guy. Wish you lived close enough that I could bring you food in disposable dishes. :) I don't know how to mop though. :)
Growin' With It said…
you are one brave woman leslie! hope micah is feeling better soon.
Anonymous said…
That doctor visit is a trip! Good thing you are careful & look stuff up! Think of all the people that are "treated" & just go ahead & take the meds. You a good Mommy Leslie!! Get Micah & Brian rounded up and do a big group hug & kiss from me okay!! Love ya'll!

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