Stupid People

I just have to tell you how stupid people make me so upset. I just want to hit them.

Today my househelp told me she quit her second job. She had only been working for them for a couple of weeks. They paid her well. The problems started when Bimla (my househelp) arrived a little late on a holiday. It was hard to find a bus so that is why she was late. But the woman she was working for yelled at her and scolded her for being late. Now I know how it is to have to wait for Bimla to show up sometimes and it can be frustrating if you have other things to do. But to scold someone like they are a child is rediculous.

Last week Bimla's brother was in an accident and she got the phone call at my house. She was very worried. His leg was got a very deep cut and he was on his way to the hospital. When a person has to stay in the hospital the family has to bring food, and sometimes sheets. It is good if someone stays with the patient to take after them. So Bimla called her second job to tell them she wasn't able to come clean that day. The lady yelled at her and told her what a horrible person she was. She told Bimla that she HAD to come work. So Bimla told her she was quitting.

On Friday Bimla told me the lady had called and apologized for yelling and Bimla thought maybe she would still work for her. But her husband told her not to because people like that will continue to get angry. So Bimla called the lady back and told her "no". So then the lady yelled again and insisted she come right away to return the key.

So today Bimla told me she went yesterday to return the key and the lady told her, "You will never find work. You are stupid." Then the lady through Bimla's work clothes out the door at her and shewed her away like a dog.

No one should be treated like Bimla was treated. It makes me so mad. But there is no sense trying to talk with someone like that. It is better to just leave it and be thankful that Bimla doesn't have to deal with her again.


That is maddening! Your anger is righteous anger (you already knew that). She is blessed to be able to work for you. The poor girl. :(

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