Money thoughts

After doing the "5 Things Meme" I have been thinking about the million dollars that I have to do something with. I am also reading the little book, "The Treasure Principle" by Randy Alcorn. It is about giving. Apparently I will find more joy in giving than in keeping. So, if I ever get a million dollars at one time, I hope I give it away. I would rather have a million dollars worth of joy. That is what I am really after. I have been thinking about joy and wondering how to get it and then I found out that it is in giving. I am going to try it out. Let's see if it is really true. I want to be a giver. If someone needs a blanket, I want to give them one. If someone needs money then I want to give it. There is plenty of opportunity here in India to be a giver and I want to start taking those opportunities. Even if the person I give to is not grateful (which they seldom are here), I want to be grateful that I can give. And in this way I will store up for myself treasures in heaven.


Growin' With It said…
great post les. and good stuff to think about! remember our conversation about "being happy"...finding joy is truly a wonderful gift that keeps giving right back to ya! i'd love to hear how this goes for you.
This is the perfect reminder as we enter the Christmas season which is supposed to be about Christ but becomes too often about gifts and what we give and get in a wrapped box. I'd like to focus on giving what people really need from me - like the fruit of the spirit or my time or my resources.

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