7 Random Book Facts

Thanks Linda for tagging me. I don't even have seven people to tag though. Sad me.

1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share seven random and/or weird book facts about yourself.
3. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I read a book this year that made me so mad that I made comments in it about how stupid I thought the author's ideas were. "Created To Be His Help Mate" is the title. DON'T READ IT!!!

2. I also would like to write my own book one day. I started a daily devotional book many years ago and I think I wrote two days worth of devotionals. Then my mind went blank.

3. A book is coming out this next year that I am in. An American lady, Miranda Kennedy, is writing a book on Indian ladies and she has a bit about my gym in it. She let me pick out my own alias and I chose Betty. Then she said she would just use my real name. So I am going to be famous. I hope it makes me look good.

4. I also have a selfish desire to have a whole book written about me. The only problem is that I haven't done anything book worthy to write about. I'm still working on that. It will probably be a comedy.

5. My favorite author right now is Erwin Raphael McManus. He has a new book out called "Awake". I have loved all his books and even listen to him online. Pastor of Mosaic church in L.A.

6. In my house I have books in three languages. I can read two of them, but only understand one. Hindi, English and Urdu. Three totally different scripts.

7. I am married to a book collector. He likes to buy books and keep them on the shelf. I like to read a book and then give it away. I am tempted to give his books away too.

So now I am suppose to tag seven "random" people. I first have to figure out how to make it link to their blogs. Then I guess I will just choose some random people by clicking "next blog" at the top of the page. Here we go.....

Janet, Christy, Steve, Lori, Billy Bob, Betty, and for Christmas...Santa! You guys are now tagged.


Janet said…
you are hilarious! I love getting into your mind a little. Do I really have to do this thought?? I think it will make my brain work a little too hard...will try...
Growin' With It said…
well betty boo, i could write a book about you...and it wouldn't be poetry! thanks for playing les. and now, of course you have to answer the burning question and do a book review on that first book you mentioned. what was so bad?

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