Stray Dogs

We have probably 50 stray dogs in our neighborhood.  Every couple of months more babies are born.  A few of the dogs get named by me.  One dog with a name is Tri.  He has been around a long time.  He only has three legs.  But it doesn't slow him down.  I am always amazed at the dogs that have injuries or deformities yet they survive. 

A lot of dogs will limp around with a sore or broken leg.  Maybe they got in a fight or got ran over by a car, I never know.  I wouldn't doubt the car story because half the time they sleep in the middle of the street.  And it isn't like the street is the only warm place to lay either.  They choose to sleep in the street. 

At night the dogs like to bark.  You can hear dogs barking all over the neighborhood or running in a group down the street chasing someone or something that doesn't belong.  Sometimes they gang up on a dog that for whatever reason doesn't fit in any longer.  So they are mean to that guy.

Right now there is a teenaged dog who had babies.  I feel like she is still a puppy herself, yet here she is with three of her own.  How will she be able to feed them when she can hardly find enough food to feed herself.

Sometimes the dogs will surprise me.  Like one of the teenaged ones, when he was small, was very sickly skinny.  I thought for sure he would die.  But he is still running around with the other teens.  He is still sickly skinny, but he survives.

As I watch the stray dogs I can't help but think about all the people who live on the streets of Delhi.  Their lives are not too different from the dogs.


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