Boo Ya!

I had surgery!  I love surgery.  I know I am weird.  But I love that feeling of drifting off to a crazy sleep and waking up having no idea what has happened.  No pain.  I like that best of all.

From my last post you would know that I hate going to the gyno doctor.  Well I got to get it all taken care of under local anesthesia.  That is a much more enjoyable experience.  Much more expensive, but it was worth it to me.

The most fun part of the surgery was being in the hospital room.  Because I am cheap, I asked for the cheapest room, which is the ward room with 6 beds.  And Micah was also having surgery so he was in my ward.  Our beds were across from each other.  We could each lift our heads and see the other.  So as we waited for our turn in the O.R. we kept waving and smiling at each other.  Steve got to sit next to us.  And when Micah was really bored, he would come over to my bed and we would get to lay together and wait.  The nurses kept coming to look at us.  They were wondering where the patient in Micah's bed was and then they would look at me and see two patients in one bed.  It kinda felt like a sleep-over.


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