Slut Walk

A friend of mine sent a link to the Slut Walk in Delhi and asked what I thought about it. So now I have been thinking about it for a couple of days. I really don’t think it is worth the time to participate in the walk. I may be old fashioned or very conservative in my views, but that’s okay.

I understand it started in Toronto after an official made a comment that women wouldn’t get raped if they didn’t dress like sluts or tramps. That is a poor comment to make but unfortunately, there is some truth to it.

In a perfect society, it wouldn’t matter what a woman wore. In fact, she could walk around naked, and nothing would happen to her. But in the imperfect societies, a woman needs to use wisdom in the way she dresses. She is never at fault for a rape happening to her, or any other violent crime. As with other crimes, it is smart and helpful to not put yourself in vulnerable situations. Like we lock our doors. Is it right that we have to lock our doors? No, of course not. In that perfect society that I mentioned above, no one has to lock their doors.

We all know that men are visual people. They get aroused by sight. Obviously, a woman wearing provocative clothing, or revealing clothing, is a eye catcher for a guy. That is just how they are wired. This is in no way a justification for rape. It is just a fact.

I feel it is my responsibility to dress in a way as to not make me vulnerable to unwanted attention. It is also out of respect to my “brothers” that I do this. And I would tell all women that it is just plain common sense to dress socially acceptable. If you are in a tribe that only wears a loin cloth, it is fine to dress that way. But walking around Delhi dressed like that is not wise.

It will take a lot more than a Slut Walk to change society. In my opinion, the Slut Walk is not the right way to make the statement that they are trying to make. I don’t see anything good resulting from the Slut Walk. I do imagine that there will be a lot of men out to watch the Slut Walk. Many women walk in the Slut Walk dressed in very inappropriate attires and the only thing they are doing is entertaining the men who are watching.


Don Camp said…
I definitely agree with you, Leslie.

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