Shared Auto

A shared auto is a small vehicle that is open and is able to squish a lot of people in it. On the road that we live close to, there are shared autos that take you to the metro station for just eight rupees (20 cents). They ply the road all day long, picking up passengers and making a killing. There are two bench seats in the back that face each other and 3 can sit on each side comfortably. There are usually more than three however. I don’t like to get in one that is full of men, so I will let those go by. If there is a woman in it, I will get in and try to sit by her. But more often then not, I still end up thigh to thigh against a guy.

I just came back from a trip to the metro station and enjoyed my ride. I was still a sardine in a tin can, but the people were nice enough. I was one of the first ones in the auto so I couldn’t choose my company, they chose me. I chose to sit on the edge so that I would only get one neighbor next to me. An old guy sat between me and the other person who was not touching me, which means there is enough room for one more.

In a country that has such conservative beliefs on touch of the opposite sex, these shared autos are a curious invention. Why is it that you can’t hold your husband’s hand while walking down the street, but you can press your thigh against a stranger and no one bats an eye?


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