Burning Night

We have a family staying with us for a couple of days. It is their first time to India. They have Micah’s room. Last night, while they were sleeping, the lights suddenly came on in their room. The father went over to the switch to turn the lights off and noticed the board was hot and there was a red glow and black smoke. He quickly woke us up and I turned the circuit board off. For some reason, an electrical fire started in the wires and it somehow opened the switch which then made it impossible to turn off the power from the light switch. We had to turn it off by the main circuit. Weird. I would assume that the fire would have broke the circuit and the power would actually go off, not on.

We all went back to sleep, but not very well. Especially for the family that was in a room without power, smelled like burned wires, and no fan. We all woke up early. Steve tried the circuit breaker again to see what would happen and we heard a popping noise and again smoke. We quickly turned it off again.

On today’s agenda: Call the electrician.


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