
I read a story with Micah today about Homer who ran a doughnut machine that he couldn't turn off. It made thousands of doughnuts. There was a missing diamond bracelet in one of the doughnuts. So they sold the doughnuts to people who wanted to find the bracelet to win the reward. The whole thing made me hungry for a doughnut.

Luckily Steve called and he was stopping at the grocery store. He wanted to know if I needed anything. I told him I didn't need anything. He then was smart enough to ask if I wanted anything. And I did. I wanted a doughnut. Just one doughnut. I didn't want a lot of doughnuts because I knew I would be tempted.

Steve came home with a box of doughnuts because they didn't sell a single old fashion doughnut, which is what I like. So now I am stuck. I am thankful that he bought the doughnuts for me, but I am bummed that I have all these doughnuts looking at me.


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