
We usually go to church on Sunday. While in America we are trying to find a "home" church. It is hard to have a home church when you are only around for a couple of months, every other year. But such is the life that we lead. This morning we went to the church that we hope to consider our home. It is the church that my parents go to. There are maybe 100 people on a good week. But I like small churches. You usually can know everyone and everyone knows you. It may not have all the programs and great sound systems, but it is full of love and care. And that is what we are looking for.

We have visited a lot of friends during our three month tour of America. Several themes have struck me. The first is that I am hearing more and more about people I know who have been divorced twice. The second is that it seems more friends are not going to church who use to. Both make me sad.

I totally understand that church can become just a routine and boring. I get bored at times too. And I understand wanting a day off. I don't think a person "needs" to go to church, but I think that it is very good for them. But I think my biggest reason for going to church is for my child. I want it to be a habit for him. I want church to be normal. And I want him to get to know the people at church and to have them be a part of his life. I want him to learn from other people, to see Christian families, to hear stories or messages. I want him to sing the songs and have them get stuck in his mind.

I think church is a good thing. We, Christians mostly, have a bad habit of picking out all the bad things in a church. Instead we should look for all the good things. Who cares if the worship leader is a bit odd, or the pastor doesn't always have the most exciting messages. Are you hearing the Word of God? Are you meeting others who you can encourage or encourage you? That's about it. And then, get involved. Help out with something or lead something. If you find areas that are lacking in your church, maybe God is calling you to help make a change.

So after all my admonishing to get involved in church, I am ready to leave America to go back to India. I can't really get involved here on a regular basis, but I can in India. So my goal for this next year is to teach a Sunday School class. The last class I taught was for 2 year olds and I think they taught me more than I taught them. Blowing bubbles was the biggest lesson.


Liz said…
I love my church! It isn't very big either, but I don't know what I'd do without it - they support and encourage me so much and are just like family. And they make me laugh. You should definitely visit if you have time.

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