Great Expectations

Sometimes I have a problem with being content. I memorized the scripture that says, "I have learned to be content in any and every circumstance." On good days I can quote it. On those days that I am not doing so good I would be a hypocrite.

Today is 109 degrees. Tomorrow is suppose to be 112. I HATE heat. It zaps all my desires to do anything productive. Like the dishes. Or like a few errands that need to be done. I would rather just lay on my bed under the fan and type on my blog.

The truth is that I don't want to be in India anymore. There, I said it. But for some reason this is exactly where God wants me to be. So I can (sometimes) rest in that assurance and know that I will be fine. He must have a purpose for my life here. So I have great expectations.

"I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need." My contentment doesn't come from things or places or people. I am content because my God will supply all my needs, according to His riches.

So when the electricity goes out and it is 100 degrees inside and I feel like I'm dying, I don't need to throw a hissy-fit, I can rest in the knowledge that God will provide all my needs. And I can have great expectations of how that will be.


:) Good reminder. I'm in such a strange stage of life right now. I LOVE where I'm at but it's very liquid (could change at anytime) so I have great expectations, too.
Growin' With It said…
leslie, have i told you i ♥ u lately?...cuz i do!

and i love your honesty too sweet friend!

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