True Self

This is a quote from a book I am reading, Abba's Child, by Brennon Manning.

"While the impostor draws his identity from past achievements and the adulation of others, the true self claims identity in it's belovedness. We encounter God in the ordinariness of life: not in the search for spiritual highs and extraordinary, mystical experiences but in our simple presence in life."

Now doesn't that make you want to run out and buy the book?


Growin' With It said…
gotta look up *adulation* first. i'm so lame. good quote though!
He came and led our church's spiritual life retreat last year. I still am drawing on that as my key source of connecting with God's heart for me, my children, and this world. Another great book he wrote that I read while in India is The Lion and Lamb, not to mention the Ragamuffin Gospel.

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