
One thing I love about India is the flowers. You can buy flowers here for a couple dollars. These flowers were for Valentines Day. Aren't they pretty.


Naqvee said…
its true that in INDIA some strange things almost come for "no price" about the flowers .. ppl dnt buy them for their pujas (prayers)instead they pluck them from their gardens or lawns.. and on weddings we hardly give ppl bouquet, the only reason is that we think that flowers look good for decorations and we hardly feel motivated to give 'em on weddings, b'days or putting 'em on graves. so for us.. the flowers which are so "cheap" hardly matters ! isn't strange?
love gulshan
the flowers are VERY pretty.... (especially if I click on the pic and see them closer).... and the snickers look good too :)

what's with the colored water in the vase? is that a trick I should know?

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