the mug and the man

Last night, while laying in bed falling asleep, the dog started barking. At night Spot sleeps in the kitchen in his dog carrier. I ignored his barks, but pondered the noise of something being dropped. Then Spot barked again. In my mind I thought, "Well maybe someone is outside the kitchen and I should just go check on him." Steve was listening to Rush Limbaugh on his iPod and didn't hear anything. I, being a bit lazy and not wanting to get up, leaned over and told Steve, "The dog is barking, do you want to go check on him?" Steve didn't want to get up either and besides that, he sleeps with, shall I say, fewer clothes. So I was a bit frustrated that my knight in shining armour wouldn't get up and protect me from the night boogyman. I got up and went in the kitchen. Spot was fine and I only heard noise from the neighbors. But when I turned the light on (hum some suspenseful music now in your mind) I saw that one of our clear, glass mugs had shattered. It was sitting on the counter by the sink and seemed to just explode. It hadn't fallen and nothing fell on it that I could see. And to top it all off, it was a non-breakable mug. So why did it explode? Steve came in as I was sweeping the shards of glass off the ground and I showed him the mug. We looked around for some explanation but there was nothing. So we headed back to bed. Steve said sorry for not getting up and I lovingly replied, "You should be." We were both disappointed with him not getting up.

So this morning we are still wondering what happened. Was it a weird phenomenom or was it some sort of spiritual presence? I don't want to give Satan credit for something he didn't do, but I definantely felt strange. And my response wasn't nice to Steve. I would like to blame that on someone besides myself. So we prayed about it, forgiving each other and praying for God's protection. And now we are pondering the other glass mugs. Should we throw them all away? Are they safety hazards? Will one explode when it is full of precious coffee? Now I am off to clean up the glass in the kitchen.


Creepy! Keep us posted...
Growin' With It said…
woa, that is weird. are you sure spot doesn't know how to rig the latch and was out for a cup of coffee? pff. j/k..although this weird situation is not funny. hope you figure it out! p.s. way to be BRAVE les.

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