We are back from a long week in Goa. We go each year to meet up with other believers and have a spiritual renewal time. Usually I hate going. Last time we went I cried three times in one week, which is more than I do most years. I usually feel like I am invisible and no one cares or thinks I am important. And you know how when you start feeling that way you can find yourself going lower and lower, well that is what happens to me. But this year was different. Could be the $20,000 worth of counseling I had last year. I enjoyed myself and others and only once found myself starting to throw a pity party. But I was able to stop myself and pull myself out. I was feeling alone and ignored, but instead of wallowing in it, I got off my seat and found someone to stand next to.

Goa is a beach area and we spend lots of time at the beach. This year I decided to be brave and go parasailing. I have not gone before because I don't trust the safety of the harnesses. I actually went twice! And I didn't see anyone fall to their deaths and neither did I. The coolest part about it was the price. We paid $5. per person.

So my overall impression of the Goa experience this year is very positive. I saw how God has worked in me to heal some past hurts and to help me see that He works ALL things for good.


Janet said…
I was just telling Jeff that I never got a chance to really talk to you. I had wanted to meet up with you for some real conversation - not chai time talk...but it just never seemed to happen.

I felt very confined due to a little one again and that was harder this year.

Know that I wanted to spend time with you though...you were and are on my heart...


I was wondering where you were and missing your blog posts... glad you had fun! From the sounds of it I too could benefit from several thousand dollars of counseling.... oh well. :) Welcome back! :)
Growin' With It said…
love hearing it was better this time around. and parasailing fears...you who LOVES to JUMP OUTTA PLANES?

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