Funny Questions I Get Asked

When I use to run the ladies only gym I was asked a lot of medical questions, as if I had some sort of medical training.  I would usually give them a serious look and answer the most logically that I could.  Then I would look up their questions online and answer them again the next time I saw them.  But some questions just baffled me.

One lady was a newly married lady and she called me one day to ask a serious question.  It seemed her husband was unable to have children so they had a plan for her to get pregnant by another guy, a friend.  But they needed a place for this to take place.  So she was asking if they could rent a room for a day in my house.  I tried to explain that there were much better ways to go about trying to get pregnant and if they would go to a doctor then he could give them some advice.  But she said her husband was too embarrassed and they didn't want his family to find out that he had a problem.  So this was their solution.  I of course said "no" to their request.

Yesterday another friend called.  She asked if I knew of anybody who would want to be a surrogate mother for a friend of hers.  Not sure why my name came to mind when she was trying to figure out who might know of someone, but it did.  She said they were willing to pay money to the lady.  I didn't want to get into how they planned to do this, if it was with a doctor or not.  I just told her I really didn't know anyone.

As I was thinking about the whole surrogate mother thing today I decided to look up information about it here in India.  It is actually big business.  People from all over the world come to have a surrogate mother carry their baby.  Ladies who are quite poor have found that it is a good way to make money.  To me, the logic doesn't make sense.  Why would you want a poor, malnourished lady to carry your baby?  I would be worried that the baby would have some deficiencies or something.  I saw a picture of one of the babies that was born and it was quite tiny.  And one of the ladies said that she is only doing it because she is so poor and it is the only way to make money.  Isn't it in a way exploiting them and their situation?  They make $5,000. and the doctor makes $25,000.  Something just doesn't seem right to me.


Don said…
WSow. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money for a poor woman.

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