An Epiphany

An epiphany is an experience of sudden or striking realization.  And I just had one.  My epiphany was about slavery.  I was reading an article on sex trafficking in America.  It was talking about that advertises girls for sex.  Here is the article

My epiphany was a picture of slavery.  Can you imagine a website selling black people as slaves?  That is what the modern version of slavery would be like.  There were actual markets that people were sold at.  Now it would be on Ebay or maybe even we could buy a person on Amazon and have them delivered to us.  We could bid on several at a time and watch the price go up.  Or maybe we could sell someone.  Think of what your description of that person would be like.  If you have marketing skills you could probably make them sound very appealing.  Maybe show a picture of how strong the person was or what a hard worker they were.  Or maybe you could sell your really pretty slave's daughter online.  You could get rich.             It really is a disturbing thought.

That is exactly what Backpage and other online advertisers are doing.  And it should be disturbing to all of us. 

33% of the 800,000 children trafficked each year are black.


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