Facebook Faults

My newly teen son (actually he will be a teen in two days) has Facebook.  I didn't really think through the whole Facebook thing before I allowed him to sign up.  But now I realize I have to be even more vigilant/diligent to make sure it is a safe place for him.

One issue that just recently came up is the issue of pictures that may not be great for him to look at.  I have noticed some young ladies posting their pictures of themselves in small bikinis.  I don't really want it to be something that could cause temptation to my son or other young men.  So what to do?

Facebook is kind of like giving a photo album of yourself to all your friends.  What do you want them to see?  Your goofy pictures?  Your attractive pictures?  Your sexy pictures?  Not that last one for sure.  But what one person things is okay to show to everyone another person may not.  So here are 4 reason I found why you should not post your bikini pictures (or speedo) online.

1)   Because EVERYONE that you are friends with (and more, depending on privacy settings) can see these pictures.
Do you really want your teacher to stare at you in your bikini?

2) Because the good guys (i.e. – the guys you want to date) will choose to “hide” those pictures from their newsfeeds anyway

3)   Because you’d never post a picture of yourself in your bra and underwear on Facebook

4)   Because your beauty is more than your body

It’s a cheap way to get attention, and let’s face it: it’s beneath you.  You’re beautiful, and you don’t have to post a half-naked picture of yourself on Facebook to prove it.

A follow up article had comments from guys about what they say regarding #2.  If you are interested you can read it here

I can use this as a teaching lesson for my son.  I can talk about what he should do when a friend posts a picture of themselves in their bikini or showing too much skin.  But because he is a kid and doesn't need to be given a matchbook and told not to light them, I will also block his friends if they post pictures that I don't want him to see. 


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