Okra and Carrots

I cooked last night!

I wanted to use some of the wonderful Tillamook Cheese that friends brought us, so I made noodles and cheese sauce.  But I also thought that maybe it would be good to have some vegetables.  Thankfully we had some in the fridge that were for the rabbits we were watching but were no longer at our house.  We had carrots and okra.  The rabbits didn't like the okra.  I like okra.  I decided to try to stir fry it up like our friend Hiroko does.  Here is what happened.

I cut up the carrots and okra into nice pieces.

Then I heated up the skillet with olive oil and dumped in the vegetables.  I stirred them around.

I have this great sauce I bought in Thailand, but I don't know exactly what it is.  I added that.

Some friends were staying with us a few weeks ago and left some parmesan cheese sprinkles that are pretty good, so I added that too.

Ate it up!  And it was quite tasty too.


Anonymous said…
YES it was!!!
Laura said…
Wish we could pop by for some of that dinner, and see your new place. Or have you all over to be with us.

Any trips to Oregon (or Alaska) planned?
Kim said…
Wow - I am impressed!

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