Stupid People

I read a lot of news articles on trafficking and rape from around the world.  Today I was reading one about a girl here in Delhi who ran away from home because she was being raped by her father.  She ran away with the help of a neighbor boy who is around 17.  What makes me mad, and I think is stupid, are the comments people make about the article.  I don't know why I read them because they are always filled with idiots making comments.  But many of the comments say that the girl was probably running off with the boy and having sex with him and that she should be punished.


So many people assume that the girl is guilty and that she is lying, without knowing anything about her.  This is what is wrong with this country.  People are quick to blame the girl.  They assume the girl has done something wrong.


Kim said…
I agree - they are stupid!

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