Stupid Rules

I read this morning about a boy who has a skin disease so he is growing his hair long to help cover some of the bald spots.  He is not allowed in his school because of the hair length rule.

Yesterday there was a news report about a boy whose team one the State Championship but they were disqualified because the boy raised his finger to God in thanks.  The rule is that you can't celebrate your win (or something like that).

And how many stories have we heard now about guns being made out of pop tarts or sticks or paper and the kid getting suspended. 

I understand that there needs to be guidelines and all, but really, it seems that some situations are not black and white.  When there are stupid rules it only creates rebellion.  There is a verse in the Bible written as instruction to fathers that says, "Don't exasperate your child" or "Do not provoke them to wrath."  It would be good for schools to remember this bit of advise too.


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