Murder for Hire

I haven't been following the Dr. Gosnell case much, but I see today that he was found guilty of murder.  What he did in his clinic is horrible and sick.  And not just him.  All his staff who participated in these horrific killings are guilty.  But I also think that the mothers of these children are equally guilty.  Yet no one seems to be talking about the women who paid someone to kill their child.  Isn't it ironic that a lady can go to a "doctor" and pay him to abort a baby that could live outside the womb and she isn't held responsible, yet if she were to be the one to give birth and then slice the baby's throat in a hospital (or anywhere else) that she would be held guilty of murder?  When does her "right" become murder?  After natural delivery only?

I am reminded again of my previous post about the baby who was found on a footpath beheaded here in Delhi.  I bet the person who did that to the baby would be called a murderer.  How different is abortion?  As long as the baby is killed and dismembered in the safety of the womb we don't call it murder but call it a woman's right.    The more you let yourself think about it the clearer it becomes.  Just because abortion is legal up to a certain month doesn't make it right.  Abortion is murder! 


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