Be Anxious About Nothing

I have been taking anti-anxiety medicine for around 8 years now I think.  I guess I have an issue with anxiety.  Well lately it seems the medicine has stopped working or else my anxiety has increased beyond what the medicine helps.  So I have been trying to figure out how to help get things under control.  Not being in control tends to make me anxious, so if I can get control of my anxiety I am sure it will help me not be anxious.

One thing I have done is to read scripture about anxiety or worry.  That hasn't been a huge help, although it does give me something to think about when I get anxious and it slowly can turn my mind away from whatever is causing me worry at the moment.

Another trick is to go to my "happy place".  Sometimes that is a nice outdoor scene with a stream or a waterfall.

I am also following a therapist online that gives me emails with some suggestions.  This week it was to list out everything that I feel anxious about and then change my thought by asking a questions.  For instance, if I am worried about being late to church I could ask myself, "How will I get to church on time?"  Then it makes my mind focus on positive solutions and away from the worry.  Something like that.

So here is my list.

I will get hit by a car while crossing the road
No one will stand up for me
I will get yelled at
Steve will make someone mad with his driving and they will hit him
I will get hit by a car from behind while walking
Someone will snatch my bag
I will get pick-pocketed
I won't get a ride for a long time (rickshaw)
I will be late
Micah will get hurt
People won't remember my name
I will sweat a lot
Steve will want me to have a dinner plan

Not much of a list really, but it seems to trigger something in me.  Not sure how my "How" questions help, but yesterday I tried it out with one.  My worry was getting hit by a car while walking.  The "how" questions is something like, "How can I avoid getting hit while walking?"  So I tell myself, if I face the traffic I will be better off.  But then I start thinking about all the times when I was facing traffic and a car or motorcycle came from behind me on the wrong side of the road and almost hit me.  So what else can I do?  I can make sure I walk as far from the cars as possible.  But that is where people are standing to pee on the wall or else there is some other obstacle in the way.  Then I ask myself, "What is the worse that would happen in reality?"  The answer is that I would break my arm or get knocked down and cause a scene.  That isn't the end of the world, so there is nothing to worry about.  Ta da!  I got to the point of realizing that there is no need to worry.  And I made it home.


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