More Toilet Talk

I don't like using public toilets, not even at work. But today I had to. So I went in and noticed that the window was slightly open. Maybe a two inch opening. I noticed that the view was to the balcony next door (less than 20 feet away). But no one was on the balcony and any delay in my sitting down is an opportunity for an accident, so I sat. And wouldn't you know it, the minute I sat down a lady came out on her balcony to hand clothes. She was facing my window. I realized that I couldn't see her face which meant that she couldn't see mine. But from her angle she could clearly see my legs and lap sitting on the toilet. Probably she could see my pants around my knees. I sat there in agony, waiting for her to leave, but she just kept flapping the clothes around up there. So I decided to quickly do the stand up and pull up motion quickly. But my pants caught on the toilet seat and made a loud crash. I'm sure it drew her attention to the open window. I got myself out of view and reached over and shut the window so that she wouldn't see my face.

Lesson for the day.... Shut the window.


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