
I have always had an eye thing. I love eyes and I hate them. I love to see beautifully colored eyes and can just stare at them. But I hate people touching their eyes or having someone touch my eyes, or most things about eyes.

Today I went with two girls to the eye doctor. I decided to get my eyes checked also. After the doctor looked at our eyes for a few minutes he sent us back out to the waiting room and had the nurse come put drops in our eyes. I absolutely hate have drops put in my eyes. Always have. So when he came to put them in my eyes I kept squinting and the drops would not go in. He finally gave up and a lady with me tried. I think I got half a drop in each eye. The embarrassing thing is that all the people in the waiting room were looking at me and smiling. But the good thing is that I had to keep my eyes closed for 5 minutes so I couldn't see them.


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