
I am going through a process of change in my life. I thought I liked change, but it turns out that some change is bad. I feel like I have lost a part of myself with this change.

My teeth have always been bad. Once, when I was a kid, I had 10 cavities at one time. And I brush twice daily and floss sometimes. But my mom says it is because she either had too much or too little floride when she was pregnant with me. So my teeth are bad.
Which is why I am needing a root canal. Actually, I don't think I really needed a root canal, but they like to do extreme measures here with medical needs, so I "needed" a root canal. I just went in to get a filling replaced, but because my filling was deep and there wasn't much tooth left, the doctor said to get a root canal and then a cap.

I had the root canal last week and am waiting for the cap to be made. So the doctor whittled down my tooth until it is just a stump in my mouth. And it makes me sad. I feel it all the time and just get sad.

So if I seem a little quiet and withdrawn, it is because I am mourning my tooth.


Liz said…
When I had to get a root canal in September, I felt really bad for murdering my tooth. I actually apologized to it numerous times. And I never even had a stump, but I did have a gaping hole for awhile.
Anonymous said…
I went to the dentist today. It is a new office with all the latest and greatest stuff. I was impressed to see my teeth in all their glory appear on the computer screen as soon as each xray was taken. Ugly.

The dentist was mister jovial and we talked about his growing up in the same track as our home in Cypress. Now we are both in Elsinore. Small world.

He told me what I already knew: I never have to worry about getting cavaties as long as I live. I had one filling once when I was 15. However, I do have to worry about them falling out of my head since I have some fancy, nasty disease spelled with a "p" that eats away until it dissolves your jaw bone. That's me--jawboneless. Hmmm. BUT if I go in every three months and get a cleaning with special sauces I can hopefully thwart the gremlins and hold on to my back molars. I really wonder if they are worth the money,you know. I mean I could chew with my forward teeth just as well, right? I'll have to pray about it.
Grandma Cynthia said…
I really don't know why that last comment was listed as anonymous. I didn't think I was. I thought I was Grandma Cynthia
Grandma Cynthia said…
I really don't know why that last comment was listed as anonymous. I didn't think I was. I thought I was Grandma Cynthia

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