2nd Bus

Today I rode the bus by myself!!! I didn't think I could do it, but I did.

To get to the right bus, I have to cross the busy street. I now understand why Indians don't look when they cross the street. It is too scary. I saw my chance to cross the 4+ lanes of traffic and went for it. About half way across, the cars seemed to be coming faster, so I just looked ahead and ran. I didn't want to look at the cars. I seriously thought, "I may get hit by a car." But I didn't. Then I had to cross the next side. But there was a good size gap and I made it. I walked to the bus stand and waited for a bus with a familiar number to stop. None of the buses were stopping though. I guess that if you want on you have to wave the bus down. So I finally waved my hand and a bus stopped.

So the bus I got on was one of the new buses. It is a nice, clean bus. I made my way to the front of the bus and stood by the driver. I asked if it was going to the neighborhood I wanted and he answered something I couldn't quite understand. So I decided the best thing to do would be to stand by the door. The weird thing is that no one was collecting money on this bus. There was no ticket collector guy. I kept expecting a guy to come collect my money, but they didn't. I at one point thought one of the other passengers was the money collector and said, "Nizamuddin??" Like, that is where I am going so how much do I pay. But he just said that the bus is going straight up this road, and he got off at the next stop.

So we came to a big intersection and the bus driver told me to get off and walk across the intersection. I was like, "Huh?" But he then said that he was turning and I wanted to go straight. So I got off and walked across the big intersection. Of course when I walked around a car, the light turned green and they honked at me and started going. I made it safely across the intersection and happily got an auto rickshaw. Enough bus for one day.

I had a great visit with some friends. Then we went to another lady's house and had more snacks and coffee. It was so nice to see the ladies again. I miss them and it is sweet to know that they miss me too.

I made it home in time to see some fireflies outside our house. We never even knew that there were fireflies here. How fun. The bats were out eating them so we didn't get to see them for long.


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