Make a Joyful Noise

The other day I went to a church service at a small church where there wasn't a great sound system.  Actually, this could be my church every week.  But it was another church.  And the singers sounded off key a bit.  I cringed a few times.  I started thinking about how awful it sounded.  But then something happened.  I had an epiphany I guess.  I thought about how God hears our singing.  He never cringes.  Every praise that goes up to Him is like the sweetest sound.  How dare I make fun of people offering their sincerest praises to God.  Who should care how the sound system is lame or the singers aren't perfect?  The music isn't for me.  It is a offering to God.  And He hears our hearts.  Now I can make a joyful noise unto the Lord.


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