Introverts in Bible Study

I know everyone and their dog are talking about introverts these days.  I guess since it is the "in" thing to do that I will join in.  Since I am an introvert it makes me a bit of an expert on it.  I call it The Study of Self.

We all know that introverts think before they speak usually.  I was thinking about this as I thought about the Bible study I go to.  Some good advice for all Bible studies or small groups is that those who are introverts need time to speak.  Just because the person doesn't pop up with an answer doesn't mean they don't have something to say.  Just give a few seconds of quiet and they might just open their mouth.  I know that is true with me.  I often have something to contribute but can't seem to find the open space to jump in.  So the opportunity goes by and I sit quietly.

What would it look like to have a whole Bible study group of just introverts?  There wouldn't be a lot of the chit chat that goes on.  There would probably be a lot of quiet space.  And maybe we would hear the deep thoughts that come from introverts.  What would an extrovert feel like if they came to that Bible study?  Probably like it was really boring and people were too shy to speak.  They would probably feel awkward.  Yes, that is how I feel when I am at my Bible study that has a lot of extroverts in it.  I love them all, but I feel awkward.  I'm glad I am there.  It is just not set up for introverts.  I will keep going and trying to push myself to be more vocal, because I guess we can all learn from each other.


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