Sports Day

This week we had Sports Day at Micah's school. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun activities happened. But it ended with a downer, the awards ceremony. The smaller classes get ribbons for participating, but not the older (Micah) kids. Then they had out ribbons for all the 3rd place awards, then second, and then first. Micah didn't get any ribbons. He did great at many of the events but being the youngest class in the 6th-8th grade level really is a bummer. I'm sure he was almost in tears because I was almost in tears. And what made it worse is that there is another Micah in this age group and so they would call "Micah" and it would always be the other one. I wish we would have left earlier and avoided the whole awards ceremony.


Kim said…
It's hard being Mom, sometimes I think we take things harder than our own kids do.

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