My Color Coded Bookshelf

A few days ago I was wasting time by reading blogs of people that I don't know. You know how on the top of a blog page there is the "next blog" button? Well I just hit that and if it was interesting, I read it. I read a blog about a couple who had three babies that died, two were still-born and one lived one day. Sad. I read about kids with illnesses. I read about traveling. And then I read one that caught my eye. Or at least the picture caught my eye.

The picture that caught my eye was of a bookshelf that was arranged by color. I thought that it looked nice and that maybe that would be the way I would rearrange my bookshelf (or I should say, Steve's bookshelf). I told Steve my idea and he didn't go for it. He said he wouldn't be able to find his books. But I didn't let him poo-poo on my parade. I let him see my sad expression (manipulation) and then he decided that it would be okay. So the next day Micah and I took all the books out and arranged them in color stacks.

I was surprised at how many blue books we had. I thought there seemed to be more white books when they were all mixed up. But when they were in stacks, our biggest stack was blue. Lots of yellow books too. So we put them all back on the shelves by color and I lined them up straight so the bindings were all level. It looked nice. And the cool thing is that you end up seeing books that you didn't know you had. I already have picked out two books to read.

Today our house-help lady was here. Her last act of the day was to dust. Even though I had dusted the shelves yesterday when I took all the books off, she went straight for the shelves. And as she dusted she pushed the books all against the back of the shelf and they were all out of line. I had to just roll my eyes. Of course she would decide to dust when it wasn't dusty and shove those poor books all wacky. And she has no idea that she did it. At least she didn't take the books out to dust.


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