
Continuing with my "P" theme for December, I come to what might be my last post of the year (who knows). So "phosphorescence" is the title of my post today.

In our house, we have 5 tube-lights that are out. I know most people in other parts of the world, don't use tube-lights in their house usually. Maybe in a kitchen or bathroom. We have them in every room in our house. And now 5 of those rooms are without. The kitchen has no other light. One bathroom has no other light. The other bathroom has a small light. Our bedroom has other lights. And the front room has other lights.

The kitchen and the bathroom are the biggest problems, but the others bother me too. So why don't we do something about it? Good question. For one, we hate calling an electrician over and over again. Every couple of weeks a light will go out and it seems silly to call the electrician. Although half of the time it isn't the bulb but some faulty wiring. And the other thing is, we don't know where to buy tube lights ourselves. And we are probably lazy.

So we have a dark kitchen. I was fine until I had to clean the rice. Then I realized that I would prefer a light to be able to see if there are bugs in my rice. And the bathroom is okay until I want to take a shower. The one without any light is the one that has the good shower, so I have to take my shower by candlelight, which isn't very bright.

I guess I could go find a tube light store, or at least ask around, but I think this is a man's job. And I suppose it doesn't bother Steve enough to go do it himself. So we are stuck without light.


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