Fame or Fortune

Which would I choose? Fame or Fortune? There is a lot I could do with fortune. I could make my life pretty easy. But I am not a materialistic person. I'm a minimalist. I prefer to get rid of stuff. So I would choose fame.

A friend is writing a book about women in India. Some of the stories will come from her relationship with women she met at the gym. And some will be my stories of relationships I have had with ladies at the gym. I am really excited to read her book. Not just about the gym and to see my name in print, but that will be a big part of it.

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches" Proverbs something verse something.

I want people to think of me as a good person who isn't bad to be around. I need people. Sure, people end up ruining everything, but I really need them. Think of church. People are the cause of all the problems at church. Or relationships, people ruin their relationships. But God created us to need each other. It is not good for man to be alone.

Most likely I won't have either fame or fortune. I guess I need to lower my expectations of myself.


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