Friday has come again. This week seemed to go fast. We did home schooling, which went well for not having materials yet. We aren't planners so we haven't gotten around to planning which curriculum to use with Micah. Slowly we are piecing things together.

Today I had lunch with a friend. The place we met at is only a couple of miles from our home. It is always an adventure to drive here though. First of all, our car is falling apart. The power steering went out. It makes a horrible sound and takes more muscle to control. Then there is a major intersection that the traffic signals are being replaced at. So for the past week or two there have not been any signals. We Indians don't do four way stops. When the signal is out we just all go. So you have to weave your way through the intersection. It actually works smoother than a signal.

So I went to the normal restaurant that we meet at. I walked in and it looked different, so I thought I was at the wrong place. So I left. Then I stood outside and thought about it and convinced myself that it was in fact the right place. But I didn't want to turn around again right away so I went shopping. I bought a bag of Dorritos for a present for a party Micah is going to today and walked around the market. Then I went back.

We had a very encouraging time together over lunch. My friend is always enjoyable to be with. She encouraged me with scripture Ps. 25, Jer. 17., and we had laughing time. I picked out the meal, which was Chicken Gassi. I just liked the name.

Now I am going to go make myself some Thai Iced Tea and spend a little bit of time focusing on the two scripture passages.

Happy Friday to all!


Please post the recipe for Thai Iced Tea. It sounds wonderful!

I went to the curriculum fair this year and that really helped with picking out what we were going to use this year... much better fit than last year. Josiah just asked, "Is it time to play math yet?" LOL!! That's what I'm talking about.

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