Dreams and nightmares

Way back in my early 20's, one of the things I dreaded most was becoming a stay at home mother. What could be worse? Some ladies just loved the thought of being a mom, wife, cook, teacher, all wrapped up in one. I thought I would die if I had to home school my kid. I thought I would die just becoming a mom. I wanted to work outside the home. I wanted to save the world.

Now here I am, a stay at home mother who home schools her son. How did that happen? I have cooked more meals in the last month than in the last year combined. Which means I have to do more dishes too. I still am working, but that also is out of our home.

I'm not hating it. I know this will be just for a season of my life. Micah will most likely go back to school someday, I will be busy outside of the home, I will stop cooking, and I will save the world. But until that day, may God give me the grace that I need each day. I would also hope to find joy in the midst of the daily grind. I get to spend time with Micah and see him learn things (which other people tell me is great). We get to sit around the table each night and eat food that I lovingly have created. And I get to sit and drink chai with ladies after aerobics. The nightmare isn't that bad.


I don't know why,but that entry just cracks me up. Maybe because your nightmare is also my own. You'll have to let me know how the homeschooling goes. What happened to Metro? Did it finally go under? I lovingly made fried rice tonight and hope that Troy will lovingly cook the rest of the week ;).
Funny, I had to adjust to reality not being as magical as the dream. But there are bright shining spots and the rough stuff just serves to mold me! (Today has started off rough so it's good for me to stop a remember 'this to shall pass').
Unknown said…
"Finding joy in the midst of the daily grind" is a perfect way of stating the challenge... It is also my goal and my desperate desire. People think we lead such exciting lives, living overseas... little do they know that it can be far more boring because there are less options, less people that you can relate to. We face the same challenges as other moms, plus a few more...

For example, right now I am trying to learn how to drive here. It has me so whigged out you would never know that I have been driving for 30+ years back home. But something I have always taken for granted is now my Biggest Hurdle.

I love your honesty, Leslie. We will make it through parenting, adapting and finding our niche in saving the world... and someday we will get our crown: James 1:12 I am hanging on to that!

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