You Say it's MY Birthday?

Yes it is. Today is my 38th (oh my!) birthday. Why is it that we can't believe how old we are getting? I mean, we live with ourselves so it should feel like, "I have been alive for 38 years".

So I started the day with aerobics and the ladies were so kind to remember my birthday. I was given a few gifts and we all had chai and cookies after the aerobics. I realize that the most precious gift I can be given is to be remembered.

I have always, or almost always, had an issue with being overlooked or forgotten. So this year I told Steve to remind a few people that it is my birthday. People that sometimes forget it. I had to tell him several times. Last night I finally said, "Steve, I don't know if I made myself clear that I want you to email these people and tell them it is my birthday tomorrow." So he did.

As I was sitting worrying if he had reminded people and if I should bring it up AGAIN, I remembered something from my counseling. And that is, it is okay for me to tell Steve what I need and to make sure he hears me. So instead of me thinking I was nagging him I saw it more as a need and that is what helped me state it more directly. So he emailed the people I wanted him to and they emailed me a birthday greeting. So life is good.


Growin' With It said…
oh yea...what a BIG boob am i...and not in the literal sense. i meant to comment last night so i got in ON your bday. hope it did turn out good in the end. i'm sure with you on the feeling forgotten! stinks getting older in more ways than one!
Just wanted to make sure you got my FB birthday greetings. I'm getting caught up on the blogs I follow and saw this post. I debated whether to send a regular email or post on FB but decided a public display of affection would be more appreciated. :) I'm so glad that your aerobics group remembered, it shows that you have a real relationship, not just a one way service. You know?

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