Another Gluten Free Person

"I can't eat that.  I'm gluten free."

I started a gluten free diet on Saturday.  After a wonderful breakfast of pumpkin waffles followed by a two hour nap I decided that maybe I have a problem with gluten.  After eating pancakes or waffles I have to nap.  That seems ridiculous.  So I did some research and also looked in to hair loss associated with gluten and decided to give it a try.

I am on day 6 now.  I wish I could say my hair has all grown back but it hasn't yet.  But I am hopeful still.  Some people say they notice a difference in just two weeks, others say two months.  I hope I am a two week person.

Way back in January I noticed a bald spot on my head.  I've always had an itchy scalp and a time before I had a bald spot, so I wasn't too shocked.  But then I got another one and my hair started falling out more and more.  I was mostly just concerned about the spots until a few months ago.  I noticed how thin my hair had become.  I have always had thick hair so it was quite startling to see my scalp so easily.  I tried using different oils until finally giving in and going to the doctor.

I was tested for thyroid issues but all those came back healthy.  Then I went to a dermatologist and he said it could just be stress.  He has given me some supplements to try.  I am taking biotin and niacin also.

So now to be gluten free.  I really hope that this solves the hair loss.  I wouldn't mind also losing weight and gaining energy, but that would all just be a bonus.  And I hope my hair grows in red and curly.


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