Myself as a Character

Assignment number two in my free online writing class is to create a character that is based on myself, but to change something like gender or ethnic or some other main characteristic.  So here is my person.  I would appreciate feedback.

He shuffled out of the room, rubbing his eyes as he did every morning.  Not a morning person.  He went straight to the kitchen to make his chai.  Ezra loved his chai.  He made it on the stove with tea leaves and crushed green cardoman pods and cloves.  Some days he would put a piece of cinnamon in or some crushed ginger.  But today it was just the cardoman and cloves.  He walked to the front room to sit and wait for the chai to boil.  His eyes weren’t able to focus yet so there was no sense trying to read a book or paper while he waited.  He just sat.  As soon as he heard the pot boiling, Ezra would get up and go pour some milk into the pot and add a bit of sugar.  Then he would wait for it to boil again.  Many mornings he would just stand there staring at the pot.  Even though they say a watched pot never boils, Ezra found this to be false, so he watched.  Finally, when it boiled again, he would turn off the burner and strain his chai into his mug.  He carried it back to the front room and settled himself down without taking a sip.  Way too hot.

Ezra was 44 years old.  He wasn’t old and he wasn’t young.  He still had a full head of hair and there was still more brown then gray.  But he was beginning to notice the colors were getting closer to even amounts of each.  He told himself that gray hair is a sign of wisdom.  Somehow that made him feel better about aging.  

He turned and studied his mug of chai, steaming on the side table next to him.  It was one of those photo mugs and the photo was of himself from 20 years ago.  He stared at himself in the picture.  Sure he was 10 pounds heavier now and he didn’t have the youthful gleam in his eyes anymore, but had he really changed?  He was married now and had a kid, but besides that he felt the same as the guy in the picture.  

Sipping his chai, Ezra’s mind went back to the past.  Back to what life was like when the photo was taken.  He was single and carefree.  A college graduate who envisioned doing remarkable things in the world.  Maybe so remarkable that a book would one day be written about his life.  He would be moving to Africa soon.  This picture was the picture he gave people to remember him by.  His plan was to help the Africans to have a better life.  Maybe give them clean water, or teach English, or take care of orphaned children.  Basically Ezra wanted to save the world.  When did that desire die?  No one ever tells you bluntly that you can’t save the world and that you probably will never do anything book worthy.  It is one of those things a person has to learn the hard way.  And Ezra did.

A bedroom door opened and Ezra’s son came out.  Melvin was 14 and just as sleepy in the mornings as Ezra was.  There was noise coming from the other bedroom so Ezra knew his wife, Sandra was awake too.  She would be coming out to make Melvin’s breakfast.  This was their morning routine.  He would sit and have his chai, Sandra would make the breakfast for Melvin.  Then they would all sit around the table together while Melvin ate his breakfast.  Sandra and Ezra would hasten Melvin out the door and wave good-bye from the balcony as he left for school on the bus.  Then they would finish their caffeine (Sandra drank coffee) and get ready for their workout.  For not being a morning person, Ezra was somehow into a high cardio workout routine.  Mostly because it was a high calorie burn and Ezra wanted to keep his belly from growing any bigger.  Sandra still looked great and had lots of energy for their workout.

After the workout time Ezra had to rush to get ready for the day.  A quick shower and shave and toast for breakfast and he was out the door in 20 minutes.  He usually ate his toast in the car on the way to work.  This was life now.  Just like it is for most of the other adults in America.  Working 9-5 and living for the weekend.  And like every other guy out there, there comes a time when you ask yourself “Is this all?”  This was the day for Ezra to ask it.  Was this all?  Ezra looked in the rearview mirror at himself.  His grey-blue eyes had lost their sparkle.  Is this all?  It wasn’t that he was unhappy, just bored.  Where was the adventure?  Where was the glory?  A little excitement now and then would be nice.  He looked down at his khaki dress pants and blue shirt and tie.  What happened to him?  How did he end up like this?  He dresses just like every other office worker, and may even run into several guys in khaki and blue today.  The thought made Ezra laugh.  He still had a sense of humor at least.  There wasn’t anything he could do about it now, but Ezra swore he would no longer wear this ridiculous cloned outfit after today.  In fact, there were other things he could change, not just about his appearance but his life.  He would take Sandra out for dinner tonight and they would make big plans.  Life changing plans.  Tonight they would dream big and tomorrow they would start living big.  No more boring blue shirts.


Laura said…
I really liked this story! Imagining you as a man, in a tie, and with a 5 o'clock shadow, all made me smile. I'm ready for chapter two.

And I'm so glad it didn't end like your first horror story. I barely made it through the last 4 sentences of that one.

How was Sandra's birthday?
SLMW8MAN said…
Sandra had a great birthday with lots of people showering her with love

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