No One Sees Me

Isaiah 47:10   "And you felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me.'  Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; for you have said in your heart 'I am, and there is no one besides me.'"

As I read this verse I immediately thought about those who look at pornography.  The argument is that, "It isn't hurting anyone."  People say it is a private issue.  But that is a lie.  God sees you.  And your heart is being hurt.  The argument that it is a private matter is true in part because you are very much hurting yourself.  You are deceiving yourself to think that it is okay to consume the pictures.  You deceive yourself to believe that it isn't hurting you.  The truth is that it is killing a part of your heart.  The more you consume, the more you desire.  And most of the time people desire something more, meaning something a little worse.  Soft porn turns into hard porn.  The soft porn no longer satisfies so you get deeper and deeper into the depravity.  And the images can't be deleted from your mind.  And then there is the woman/girl that you are looking at.  What about her?  Pornography justifies the buying and selling of a person.  It is a business that runs on supply and demand.  The more demand there is the more that needs to be supplied.  One study said that every second in the US $3000. is spent on porn.  Sounds worse then a heroine habit.  


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