
Showing posts from October, 2013

Funny Questions I Get Asked

When I use to run the ladies only gym I was asked a lot of medical questions, as if I had some sort of medical training.  I would usually give them a serious look and answer the most logically that I could.  Then I would look up their questions online and answer them again the next time I saw them.  But some questions just baffled me. One lady was a newly married lady and she called me one day to ask a serious question.  It seemed her husband was unable to have children so they had a plan for her to get pregnant by another guy, a friend.  But they needed a place for this to take place.  So she was asking if they could rent a room for a day in my house.  I tried to explain that there were much better ways to go about trying to get pregnant and if they would go to a doctor then he could give them some advice.  But she said her husband was too embarrassed and they didn't want his family to find out that he had a problem.  So this was their so...

How I Overcame Fear

I have anxiety issues.  It usually pokes it's head out when we are in the car.  I HATE Delhi traffic.  All the cars seem really close and it feels to me like we are going to just smash into the car next to us.  Sometimes we do. This past week we went up to the mountain for some camping.  The road to get to the camp ground is windy and thin.  As you round a corner you must be sure you stay on your side of the road and really pay attention that the car/truck coming at you is also on their side of the road.  But if you want to go fast, you don't stay on your side of the road, you just go.  And there are no passing lanes.  If you want to pass (and you do want to pass every car that is ahead of you) you just do it, even if you can't see if there is a car coming.  The car you are passing is suppose to some how signal you that a car is coming.  Either the driver turns his blinker on or he puts his hand out the window.  This could a...

Facebook Faults

My newly teen son (actually he will be a teen in two days) has Facebook.  I didn't really think through the whole Facebook thing before I allowed him to sign up.  But now I realize I have to be even more vigilant/diligent to make sure it is a safe place for him. One issue that just recently came up is the issue of pictures that may not be great for him to look at.  I have noticed some young ladies posting their pictures of themselves in small bikinis.  I don't really want it to be something that could cause temptation to my son or other young men.  So what to do? Facebook is kind of like giving a photo album of yourself to all your friends.  What do you want them to see?  Your goofy pictures?  Your attractive pictures?  Your sexy pictures?  Not that last one for sure.  But what one person things is okay to show to everyone another person may not.  So here are 4 reason I found why you should not post your bikini pictures (o...

Hospital Stay

We had a very short stay in the hospital when Steve had his low platelets.  I think around 4 hours in one and one hour in the second hospital.  The first hospital had lots of people in it.  It was very busy.  I suspect there were mostly Dengue cases, but there was also a fractured leg that came in and a guy with his stomach so bloated that his belly button was sticking out.  I thought he might pop. Steve didn't like being in the hospital.  The bed was very uncomfortable and they hooked him up to an IV, which made him have to go to the toilet more then normal, which is already about every 30 minutes.  That means I had to find a nurse to come unhook him and then when he came back I had to find one to hook him back up.  There wasn't a chair for me to sit on and if I sat on the bed he said it was going to fall, so I had to stand.  I stood next to the garbage cans so each time the nurse brought some dirty gauze, I had to step aside to let them ...

I'm Weak

Why is it so hard to admit that I am weak?  For some reason I like to try to carry a heavy load without help.  Or maybe I don't "like" it but I am too proud to ask for help.  And I hate accepting help.  I always feel like I am bothering people and I don't like that.  But really, if I let myself think about it, I am actually being selfish.  People want to help.  It makes them feel good too.  And if I don't let people help me it is taking away from their pleasure. I came close to tears twice in the last couple of days.  One time was when I was calling to order dinner and the place didn't answer.  I just couldn't think of what else to eat and I felt the knot in my throat grow that tries to block the tears from coming to my eyes.  The other time was when Steve's platelet count was low and there were no beds and he didn't want to stay in the ER.  I just couldn't make a decision.  I knew it was best for him to be at the hospi...

An Epiphany

An epiphany is an experience of sudden or striking realization.  And I just had one.  My epiphany was about slavery.  I was reading an article on sex trafficking in America.  It was talking about that advertises girls for sex.  Here is the article . My epiphany was a picture of slavery.  Can you imagine a website selling black people as slaves?  That is what the modern version of slavery would be like.  There were actual markets that people were sold at.  Now it would be on Ebay or maybe even we could buy a person on Amazon and have them delivered to us.  We could bid on several at a time and watch the price go up.  Or maybe we could sell someone.  Think of what your description of that person would be like.  If you have marketing skills you could probably make them sound very appealing.  Maybe show a picture of how str...