Last Day

Today is the last day at my parents' house before we head back to India.  It is always sad to say these two year good-byes.  It is a weird feeling to think  of not seeing someone for two years.  I will miss not being able to see my parents, not being at the holiday gatherings, not being here for birthdays, not being here for helping when my parents need it (not that they are getting old or anything), and I will miss just seeing them.

We have been able to have lots of fun together during the last two weeks.  We have seen lots of pretty places, gone swimming, visited the snow, eaten lots of home cooked food, played games, and just hung out.  I will have to hold on to these memories until we can make more.  Thankfully I have a few pictures to look at.

Good-bye Mom and Dad!  Thanks for taking care of us.


Don said…
Good-bye Leslie, Steve, and Micah. We love you a lot.
Judith Nhk said…
Leslie, what an emotional time, It must have been hard to say goodbye :(

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