Looking Forward To

We will be going to America this summer and I am already making my list of what things I am looking forward to. Besides people, here is my list so far.

Dr. Pepper in a big cup with ice, salad at the Roadhouse Grill, garage sales where I can buy junk, thrift stores for the same reason, carpet, fresh air, driving without totally stressing out and needing to take a nap, church, wearing shorts, Mexican food, cheese, watching TV, drinking water straight from the tap or even from a hose outside, grass, being relatively normal, Knotts Berry Farm, sidewalks that don't smell like pee, crossing the road without risking my life, bathtubs, drive-thru fast food, Target, shopping for clothes that fit, soft towels that have been in a dryer, dish washer that disinfects dishes, and beef.

That is just the beginning of my list. I should also mention that I will miss things here, but it is only for two months so I'm sure I can do without them.


SLMW8MAN said…
not looking forward to gaining weight, living out of a suitcase for two months, and feeling like all my clothes are from a thrift store

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