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Comments to my blog really boost my ego. I hope that doesn't make you not want to comment. It makes me want to write more. I also write blogs on the Courage Homes blog. Just recently we had a new website created (because the old one was LAME) and for some reason we were now getting lots of comments. The only thing is that they were a bit odd. They said nice things in a weird way. And didn't actually comment on the blog, just very generic. But it felt really good to see all those comments. Until today when I deleted them all because they are spam. Each and every one of the comments was spam (I think). I even had to delete one of the blog postings that seemed to be attracting all the spam. So now my ego boost was boosted in the opposite direction. What do you call that? Ego slam!


Kim said…
I love your blog and always hope you write more. Sometimes I don't comment, mostly because I'm in complete agreement (the trafficking stuff) and don't have anything to add. But keep writing!
Liz said…
I agree with liking comments; it's hard to know if anyone's reading otherwise! As you can see, I completely ignore your blog for long periods of time (because I'm concurrently ignoring mine and forget to check updates), then read it all and comment.
Laura said…
I enjoy reading your blog Leslie! Keep it up. I don't comment much but I check in almost every day, hoping to read a new post. :)

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