Cooking Sauce

While we were in Thailand a few weeks ago, I discovered a delicious sauce at the buffet table. It is a brown sauce that you add to your food and it makes it taste so yummy. So when I went to the grocery store to buy the things I like to take back to India (tuna fish, thai iced tea mix, fisho, thai curry), I found the sauce isle and bought me the big bottle of cooking sauce. That is what it is called, cooking sauce.

Cooking sauce is a brown sauce, like soy sauce, only yummier. I add it to rice, to eggs, to vegetables, to soup, to almost any dish. And it makes it taste better. I don't know what it is because it is in Thai, but Maggi makes a similar sauce and they call it brown sauce. So my brown cooking sauce is my new obsession.


Anonymous said…
Don Camp said…
Sounds like fish sauce to me. That is made by putting fish in a barrel, letting them ferment (or whatever they do), and drawing of the juice from the bottom of ther barrel. Which is the reason I've avoided anything that sounds like Thai sauce.

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