Ring in the New Year

A ring, as in my wedding ring. I hope to get my wedding ring fixed in the new year. It has one of the prongs broken. I think that is what you call them. One of those things that hold the precious jewel in place. I could get it fixed here, but the lady at the jewelry store told me that it was a bad idea. I should just take it home to America and get it fixed there. I guess sometimes diamonds get replaced or "lost".

One thing that I hope can change in the new year is I hope people will quit dying. Too many people died that I know last year. I am now in the stage of life that I go to more funerals than weddings. Well, that would be the case if I was in America. Actually, I have gone to more weddings, but if I lived in America I would have gone to more funerals. And the deaths all seemed to be a surprise. People weren't sick and then died, they just died. Drop dead. At least they were not painful deaths. But still, for the family it is a huge shock.

Death is so bizarre. One day your loved one is with you and the next they are gone forever. And burial is weird. You put the body in the box and bury it in the dirt. So the body is close by but you will never see it again. Maybe that is why I like cremation better. There is no chance of seeing the person or imagining what they may look like after they are cremated. Death is so final. At least it seems final. We haven't experienced life eternal yet, so we don't really know what to expect. Will our loved ones look the same or will they age or get younger. Life after someone dies seems to move slowly. And then one day you realize that it speeds up. You no longer count the days or weeks or months, it is years.

Well instead of depressing you, I want to remind you of hope. We do have hope. Hope that life will continue. Hope that our loved ones are in a better place. Hope that we will see them again. Without hope, how can you carry on.


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