The Experience

I have been reading the old book, The Practice of Christ's Presence, by W. Y. Fullerton. One chapter has really been interesting to me. That is the one called The Experience. He takes the 23rd Psalm and looks at it as if it is one day with Jesus. So since I liked it so much, I thought maybe someone else might get something out of it too.

"The Lord is my shepherd" He cares for us. He knows us. Jesus found us and became our shepherd. In the book of Ezekiel it talks of the Lord God who searches for his sheep and seek them out. He will deliver them out of all the places where they have been scattered. He will feed them in a good pasture. And He will cause them to lie down.

First there is the waking consciousness of the day. Before we wipe the sleep from our eyes, we can prepare ourselves for the day ahead by saying "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Waking up with the assurance of His constant care.

The morning feast. He calls his sheep out of the fold and into the green pastures. We can begin our day in calm. Every day we may be refreshed before the busyness starts, if we follow the Lord and lay down in the green pasture he leads us to. The shepherd has led us close to it the night before so that it is easy for us to get to it in the morning. We eat and our satisfied, so we can rest.

Noontide Refreshing. So we go out to do the duties of the day. "He leads me beside still waters". The shepherd has fixed this journey for us and knew there was a quiet stream for us. The waters never lack for He himself is the great fountain of life.

Then there is the Midday Pause. "He restoreth my soul". We need to know the blessing of pause in our daily life. Our strength is naturally weakening and we must wait to have it renewed. During the day, take a break and come to Jesus to be restored. Then we have strength for the rest of the day.

Afternoon Progress. "He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness" We have to climb hills and go along our busy way. But our shepherd has taken the difficult task of leading. He is before us, making sure the way is safe for us. He goes before and I follow. We are not responsible for choosing the way. We are responsible for following and for obeying.

The Evening Danger. We must go into the valley of the shadow of death. Remember that it is only death's shadow. We follow the shepherd through the valley. He doesn't take us through at noontime because it would be too hot. He doesn't take us through at night time because it would be too dangerous. But we pass through with the shepherd, boldly. Our enemies are around us, yet we don't have to run. We stay close to the shepherd and he protects us. This is the time that we draw closest to the Lord himself. "Thou art with me"

The Sunset Grace. We have gone through the hard day and he leads us now to a table he has prepared for us. He knew that the green patch was there and he led us to it. It is necessary to go through the valley of the shadow of death to get to the feast.

Twilight Healing. "Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over." The shepherd stands at the gate with a great pitcher of water and some oil. The sheep are weary and wounded. The Lord pours his healing oil on the sheep and lets us drink all we need. Never evade the shepherd at nightfall. Come near to Him and you will find he has what we need.

The Night Assurance. All day long I have been thinking that I have been following, but now, in review of the day, I find that I have been followed. "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me." The shepherd again has provided for all that we need. And because I see that they have followed me today, I know that they will follow me tomorrow.

Sleeping Resolve. "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." At night we have resolve that we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever, never desiring any other. And if we end the night light that, we will begin the next morning acknowledging that the Lord is my Shepherd.

This are not my thoughts but they are all from the book. My thoughts are that I hope I can experience this daily in my life.


Karey's Corner said…
I am blessed to have brothers and sisters whom share their hope and faith in the Lord with me.
Anonymous said…
Very encouraging, Leslie. Thank you.


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