Bladder Control

Some days I just don't have bladder control. It isn't because I am old. I have had this problem for years. Maybe I can blame it on giving birth. I usually only have a problem when I get a knot in my pant's string or can't get the bathroom door locked in time. Once I see a toilet, I have about 5 seconds.

One of our bathrooms in our house has a trick seat. The trick is that the lid doesn't stay up all the time. So this is a problem when I am having a bad bladder day. By the time I get the seat up, I need to be pulling my pants down, and starting to sit. It is all fine unless the seat falls down while I am in the process. This happens more than it should.

Today is one of those days that my bladder is gladder when it is flatter. So I keep rushing to the bathroom and throwing the seat up, while I turn around to start the sitting. Unbeknownst to me (how do you spell that?) the seat is in the falling down process. Usually I can beat it, but sometimes I can't. This has meant some embarrassing moments for me (even though I am alone right now). Maybe I should just get some adult diapers for today so it doesn't happen at work and really embarrass me. Today is a good day for elastic pants.


Anonymous said…
This is way too funny, Leslie...stop it! no, don't. Thanks for your transparancy.


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